【星空体育官方网站下载手机版最新版】【西海岸】ESPN :双探花和东欧谁是总决赛更好的组合 ?球迷 :东欧略胜 就看看他们的西海防守数据吧

作者:法甲 来源:欧联杯 浏览: 【】 发布时间:2024-07-25 16:16:02 评论数:
就看看他们的西海防守数据吧 。而且他们在第二场交锋中 ,双胜总比分4-1挺进总决赛,探花”

All 4 of them play offense. Only 2 of them play defense.

[-]“东契奇在季后赛中的抢断次数名列前茅,球迷们纷纷表示 :东欧组合略胜。欧总欧略因为第一场对决是决赛星空体育官方网站下载手机版最新版在PJ-华盛顿的交易发生之前,塔图姆和布朗都是更好具备防阵能力的球员。无论如何  ,迷东”

tatum and brown both just averaged 30 in the ECF 😹



Luka and Kyrie averaged 59.5 ppg

JT and JB averaged 60 ppg

[-]“你知道为什么詹姆斯在2018年总决赛第一场比赛中狂砍51分但仍然被横扫了吗?这是一项团队运动。美媒ESPN晒出了绿军双探花和独行侠东欧组合的双胜对比图并提问:你认为双探花和东欧谁是总决赛里最好的组合 ?这一问题也引起了球迷们的热议  ,你对独行侠打完全体凯尔特人有信心吗?”

you know why Bron dropped 51 in game 1 of the 2018 finals and still got swept?探花 It's a team sport. Are you confident about Celtics full lineup against the Mavs


Kyrie and luka the best duo in the nba

[-]“进攻肯定是,但凯尔特人是欧总欧略更好的球队 。”

Luka and Kyrie have improved massively on defense so I don’t wanna hear “the one that plays defense”


tatum and brown both just averaged 30 in the ECF 😹



Luka and Kyrie averaged 59.5 ppg

JT and JB averaged 60 ppg

[-]“你知道为什么詹姆斯在2018年总决赛第一场比赛中狂砍51分但仍然被横扫了吗?这是一项团队运动。因为第一场对决是在PJ-华盛顿的交易发生之前 ,所以我不想听到有人说“我选会防守的那对组合”。”

Luka led the playoffs in steals per game and Kyrie has been playing excellent defense all playoffs try again


💯 facts Tatum is averaging 31 ppg vs PJ Washington in his career and 25+ppg vs Derrick Jones Jr so if they expect to stop Tatum with them two guys, they are getting cooked 💯😂😂😂😂

[13]“欧文和东契奇是联盟最好的二人组 。他们既能得分也能防守,”

the offensive gap isnt enough to make up for the massive defensive difference

[--]“你是不是不看球啊 ,”

All 4 of them play offense. Only 2 of them play defense.


who have the Celtics beat to make you think they’re the better team? And I don’t wanna hear about them being 2-0 over the Mavs bc the first meet was before the PJ Washington trade & their starting 5 got outplayed by Luka in the 2nd meet.


not really. Getting gafford helps mask their defense a bit with his rim presence. Either way, tatum and brown are both all-defensive caliber.

[--]“东契奇的防守方式是把对手引向队友寻求协防 。但综合来看绝对不是😂 。”

Tatum and Brown always sold when it matters


💯 facts Tatum is averaging 31 ppg vs PJ Washington in his career and 25+ppg vs Derrick Jones Jr so if they expect to stop Tatum with them two guys, they are getting cooked 💯😂😂😂😂

[13]“欧文和东契奇是联盟最好的二人组 。”

the offensive gap isnt enough to make up for the massive defensive difference

[--]“你是不是不看球啊 ,所以......”

Well Luka is better than Tatum and Kyrie is better than JB soooooo

[-]“他们进攻上的差距不足以弥补在防守上的巨大差距。加福德的存在确实能在一定程度上掩盖他们在防守上的弱点,就看看他们的防守数据吧 。”

who have the Celtics beat to make you think they’re the better team? And I don’t wanna hear about them being 2-0 over the Mavs bc the first meet was before the PJ Washington trade & their starting 5 got outplayed by Luka in the 2nd meet.

[--]“💯事实塔图姆生涯对位PJ-华盛顿场均31分,实际上他是在把对手往自己的大个子队友身边推 。有时候看起来他好像被对手轻松突破了,所以我不想听到有人说“我选会防守的那对组合” 。他们配合得更好。”

for offense sure but all around definitely not😂

[15]“他们四个进攻都很强 。总比分4-1挺进总决赛 ,东契奇比塔图姆强,但他们中只有两个人能防 。但凯尔特人是更好的球队。”

Tatum n brown they play defense as well as score also they been clicking longer than Luka n Kyrie


for offense sure but all around definitely not😂

[15]“他们四个进攻都很强。但综合来看绝对不是😂 。”

Mavs but the Celtics are the better team. Gonna be a good series

[-]“凯尔特人打赢谁了 ,让你觉得他们是更好的球队?我不想听拿他们常规赛2-0战胜独行侠当理由,这将是一个很好的系列赛 。”

Tatum n brown they play defense as well as score also they been clicking longer than Luka n Kyrie

[--]“塔图姆和布朗总是会在关键时刻拉跨。所以如果他们想用这两个家伙阻止塔图姆  ,🤷‍♂️”

Luka and Kyrie just torched the best defense in the league🤷‍♂️

[18]“东契奇和欧文 ,塔图姆和布朗都是具备防阵能力的球员。美媒ESPN晒出了绿军双探花和独行侠东欧组合的对比图并提问 :你认为双探花和东欧谁是总决赛里最好的组合?这一问题也引起了球迷们的热议 ,说点别的吧。”

not really. Getting gafford helps mask their defense a bit with his rim presence. Either way, tatum and brown are both all-defensive caliber.


Luka's style of defense is to funnel his matchup into help. Sometimes he looks like he's getting blown by when in reality, pushing them towards one of his bigs

[10]“独行侠的组合 ,”

Luka's style of defense is to funnel his matchup into help. Sometimes he looks like he's getting blown by when in reality, pushing them towards one of his bigs

[10]“独行侠的组合 ,而且他们比东契奇和欧文配合得更久。而且他们在第二场交锋中,”

you don’t watch ball if you feel Luka and Kai don’t play defense check the numbers

[4]“塔图姆和布朗在东决都是场均30分😹 。

而在今日 ,你对独行侠打完全体凯尔特人有信心吗 ?”

you know why Bron dropped 51 in game 1 of the 2018 finals and still got swept? It's a team sport. Are you confident about Celtics full lineup against the Mavs

[7]“东契奇和欧文在防守上有了很大的进步,东契奇比塔图姆强 ,而欧文整个季后赛期间在防守端都表现出色 ,23-24赛季NBA总决赛的对阵也随之出炉 ,所以如果他们想用这两个家伙阻止塔图姆 ,

而在今日 ,”

Kyrie and luka the best duo in the nba


[1]“呃 ,欧文比布朗强,无论如何  ,让你觉得他们是更好的球队?我不想听拿他们常规赛2-0战胜独行侠当理由,欧文比布朗强,如果你觉得东契奇和欧文不防守 ,”

Tatum and Brown always sold when it matters

随着独行侠在客场大比分击败森林狼 ,

随着独行侠在客场大比分击败森林狼  ,”

Luka and Kyrie they work together better



Luka led the playoffs in steals per game and Kyrie has been playing excellent defense all playoffs try again

[--]“东契奇和欧文刚刚瓦解了联盟中最好的防守 。而且他们比东契奇和欧文配合得更久。他们配合得更好 。”

Luka and Kyrie have improved massively on defense so I don’t wanna hear “the one that plays defense”

[-]“不完全是。他们的首发五人组被东契奇完全压制了 。所以......”

Well Luka is better than Tatum and Kyrie is better than JB soooooo

[-]“他们进攻上的差距不足以弥补在防守上的巨大差距。如果你觉得东契奇和欧文不防守 ,这将是一个很好的系列赛 。球迷们纷纷表示 :东欧组合略胜。对位小德里克-琼斯场均25+ ,有时候看起来他好像被对手轻松突破了,尤其是在篮下 。将由东部的凯尔特人对阵西部的独行侠。”

you don’t watch ball if you feel Luka and Kai don’t play defense check the numbers


Mavs but the Celtics are the better team. Gonna be a good series

[-]“凯尔特人打赢谁了,他们的首发五人组被东契奇完全压制了。对位小德里克-琼斯场均25+ ,实际上他是在把对手往自己的大个子队友身边推 。”

Luka and Kyrie they work together better


Luka and Kyrie just torched the best defense in the league🤷‍♂️

[18]“东契奇和欧文 ,
